Total Achievements : 762

Event: State Level Band Display Competition
Event Venue : Chandigarh

Description :

The School Band participated in the State Level Band Display Competition organised by the Department of School Education and Literacy along with MHRD New Delhi in the month of November. There our girls secured the first position. They represented Chandigarh at the zonal level in Shimla and won the second position. They have been awarded a trophy, certificates and a cash price of Rs. 7000.


Event: Junior National Wushu Championship
Event Venue : Sports Authority of India

Description :

Himanshi of Class VII-B won bronze medal in CBSE North Zone-II Judo Championship in weight category +50 kg held at Indian Modern Sr. Sec. School, Haryana. She also won gold medal in Inter School Judo Championship in weight category +44 kg held at Sports Complex, Sec-34, Chandigarh in October and in Junior National Wushu Championship (weight category 56kg) held at Sports Authority of India from 25 November to 30 November.


Event: 10th ACME Mental Arithmetic Academy Championship
Event Venue : Delhi

Description :

Anaaha Bhatia (UKG-B) participated in 10th ACME Mental Arithmetic Academy Championship on 24th November, 2019 in Delhi. She was awarded with medal in abacus category for level junior-0 and stood at 19th rank in the age group below 7.5 years. Accuracy in terms of questions attempted was perfect 100%. She attempted ‘77’ questions in 15 minutes. She also won a “Motivational Trophy” in below six years category.


Event: Dancer of the year 2019
Event Venue : Bal Bhawan, Sector-23, Chandigarh

Description :

Baniroop (III-C) Participated in the “Dancer of the year 2019” competition held at Bal Bhawan, Sec-23, Chandigarh on 25 December, 2019. It was organised by Chandigarh Art Theatre. She won the first prize in the 6-8 yrs. category.


Event: Green Kids Race
Event Venue : Chandigarh

Description :

Vitasta (I-A) participated in Green Kids Race organised by the Run Club at the Open Hand Monument on 17th November, 2019. She was awarded with a medal and a certificate for having a finish time of 38 minutes 43 seconds for a distance of 5 kilometers.


Event: Pitch and Putt Golf Tournament
Event Venue : Chandigarh

Description :

Advika (II-B) participated in the Pitch and Putt Golf Tournament organised by CGA Golf Range on 16th November, 2019 held at Chandigarh. She won the runners-up trophy in the Advance Camp Girls’ category.


Event: 33rd Haryana State Roller Skating Championship
Event Venue : Kaithal

Description :

33rd Haryana State Roller Skating Championship was organised by Haryana Roller Skating Association at Kaithal on 14th-15th November, 2019. 

Ishanvi Shekhar (III-D) bagged the silver medal as a part of the Panchkula District team. She also won a runners-up trophy.

Event: Archery Tournament
Event Venue : Chandigarh

Description :

Tanishka Sareen (VII-D) participated in various tournaments in the session 2019-20. She secured first position and won gold medals in Archery 30mts Indian Round, Archery 20mts Indian Round, Archery Overall Ranking Indian Round and Archery Elimination Round in the following tournaments.

  • 1) Inter School Tournament U-14 (Boys and Girls) organised by Sports Department (2-5 September, 2019). She received the highest individual cash money award of Rupees 6000 by winning all the four gold medals in archery events.
  • 2) CBSE North Zone II Archery Championship (27-29 September, 2019).
  • 3) Inter School State Tournament organised by Education Department Chandigarh Administration (3rd October, 2019).
  • 4) CBSE National Archery Championship (9-14 November, 2019).


Event: State Level Painting Competition
Event Venue : Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh

Description :

Sarah (VIII-C) participated in a State Level Painting Competition held at Tagore Theatre and bagged the third prize. She got a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 along with a medal and a certificate. 

Event: 6th Tri-city junior Golf Tournament
Event Venue : Panchkula Golf Club

Description :
  • Jiah Kang (VII-D) secured the first position in C category of 6th Tri-city junior Golf Tournament held at Panchkula Golf Club on 12 November, 2019.
  • Jiah Kang (VII-D) secured the second position in C (11 to 12) year category in the 16th Greens to Glory Junior Golf Tournament and World Championship International California USA held at Panchkula Golf Club on 31st October.
  •  Jiah Kang (VII-D) secured the first position in C category in the Ace Junior Tournament on 21 October, 2019.



Event: Bal Kala Utsav
Event Venue : New Delhi

Description :

Samridhi Pradhan (IV-A) participated in the Bal Kala Utsav organised by the society for the upliftment of National Arts of India at New Delhi on 9th November 2019. She was awarded with a memento as a special prize for a commendable performance. Prisha (IV-C) also participated in the same category and won fifth prize.


Event: 8th Chandigarh States Shastrang (Indian Modern Martial Art) Championship
Event Venue : Bal Bhawan, Sector-23, Chandigarh

Description :

Araina (IV-C) and Navdha (IV-C) bagged the gold medal in the 8th Chandigarh States Shastrang (Indian Modern Martial Art) Championship organised by Shastrang Chandigarh at Bal Bhawan, Sector-23, Chandigarh on 9th and 10th November, 2019.


Total Achievements : 762